XDEEP NX Double Ended Bolt Snap
XDEEP NX Double Ended Bolt Snap
XDEEP NX Double Ended Bolt Snap has finally been launched. The NX series Double Ended Bolt Snap is a truly engineered bolt snap for the diver wanting the best performance and usability from the stainless steel.
A good double ender is one of the most useful and versatile clips around. Utilised on SMB spools, as clips for sidemount pouches, securing backups in the drysuit pocket or simply as a working double ender on the right D ring, this bolt snap performs flawlessly.
The NX Series Double Ended Bolt Snap features a completely new shape of head. It provides the diver with a better support for the finger and more assured grip. The gate has a larger opening for easier clipping to d-rings. The bolt snap also has a slim hook part of the head and a large trigger making clipping much easier, especially in thick gloves or dry gloves. The material section and shape design has increased the weight to strength ratio. Optimising this has made this double bolt snap 30% lighter than a regular bolt snaps.
XDEEP also do a standard design bolt snap, with the same fantastic features! Check it out here: XDEEP NX Bolt Snap Large