RAID Deco 50
RAID Open Circuit Deco 50M
This is an Extended Range entry into Trimix programme. Certification qualifies you to a depth of 50m / 164 ft and complete dives with mandatory decompression stop requirements for up to maximum of 30 minutes whilst using a independent decompression gas.
This Speciality is designed to extend your knowledge and introduce the skills and decompression procedures required in the use of mixed gases for Sport Diving. It develops the sport diving skills and provides a greater understanding of the concept of decompression sport diving and the use of Helium gas to reduce narcosis (21/27).
Divers who wish to learn more but do not want to take the Level 4 Dive Master route this course is for you.
- To be a minimum of 16 years old.
- To be certified diver for at least 3 months.
- Certified RAID Open Circuit Level 3 diver or equivalent certification/s (submit Navigation,Night/Restricted Visibility, Enriched Air / Nitrox and Deep certificates (of which at least 5 hours are between 27- 40 m/89-132 ft) and/or equivalent. The instructor is to evaluate these skills.
- Submit a current Rescue Breathing/CPR Training and Oxygen Provider certificate (DAN/equivalent).
- 50 logged hours underwater using open circuit.
Documented proof of prerequisite requirements needs to be presented to the Dive Centre for approval prior to any in water training.
The Programme Employs the Following Gases
Oxygen enriched gas (EANx / Nitrox) mixes from 21% to a maximum of 50% oxygen content.
A maximum of 27% Helium content.
Course Content
- Complete, before in water training, the on-line e-learning academic presentations, quizzes, exam
- Review Personal Diving skills
- Stamina and Watermanship skills
- Review Rescue Scenarios
- Dive Planning Assignments
- Practical skills as detailed
- Confined water and open water sessions, totaling a minimum of 4 hours underwater
Equipment Requirements
- The gas volume shall be no less than 2760 lt / 98 cu ft
- Single cylinder pillar valve shall have an H or Y valve with DIN preferred & Twin Set with two outlet and isolator manifold
- 2 x first stages
- 2 x second stages
- 1 x SPG
- 1 x 2m/6.5ft LP second stage hose
- 1 x BCD/wing LP hose
- 1 x mixed gas (Helium) dive computer – optional
- 1 x dive timer or enriched air (two Nitrox gases) computer or mixed gas (Helium) dive computer
- 1 x slate
- 2 x SMBs and reels
- 1 x knife
- 2 x dive masks
- 1 x torch/light/underwater lamp
- 1 x BCD/wing with adequate lift capacity
- 1 x exposure suit – a dry suit shall have interchangeable inflator system with BCD LP hose
- 1 x Side Sling Cylinder (minimum gas volume shall be 1000 lt / 35.33 cu ft)
- 1 x first stage
- 1 x second stage
- 1 x SPG
- 1 x Octo length LP second stage hose
The above is subject to the RAID General Diving Standards and change without notice.
Register for FREE at www.diveraid.com
To find out more about this course just contact us here
Be unafRAID and get started today!.