RAID Sidemount Course (OH)
RAID Sidemount Course
Teaches you how to control your buoyancy resulting in a more streamlined profile that reduces drag while making finning and moving through the water easier and more efficient, therefore improving your air consumption.
Attain a greater comfort level as sidemount equipment and harness can be custom fit to each individual, accommodating divers of all shapes and sizes.
Learn how to take advantage of many skills including learning how to help any divers with any disabilities, as you carry the cylinder(s) separate from your harness to the water. Whilst within the water you would then attach your cylinders, making the entries and exits to dive sites much easier.
Learn safer options in terms of air management as you have an easier access to your cylinder valve(s), first stage(s) and alternate regulator should a problem arise.
How to configure equipment learning that one harness and BCD does it all. The same sidemount equipment you use, can be used for more advanced types of diving i.e wreck, technical and cave diving.
What do I need to start?
All Sidemount kit would be provided for the course if you don’t have your own.
The equipment for twin cylinder course
- Mask, Fins and Suitable Exposure Protection (snorkel optional)
- 2 Single Tanks
- 2 Primary Regulators and 1st Stages
- 2m long regulator hose (recommend Miflex)
- Sidemount Harness & BCD (approved by instructor prior to the course)
- Dive Tables, Depth Guage & Dive Timer (or Dive Computer)
- Cutting device such as Eazycut (not a knife)
- Slate with Pencil
- Two Surface Signaling Devices (whistle & SMB or signal mirror)
- 45m Spool
- Compass
- Multi Pouch Or Pocket
- Redundancy Equipment (spare bungee, double ended bolt snap, cable ties and mouthpiece)
What will I do?
- Various entry techniques with/without cylinders.
- Don and doff the sidemount cylinders whilst in the water.
- Conduct a buoyancy check at the surface.
- S drills and bubble checks.
- Donor and receiver to an out of air diver.
- Switch regulators to keep gas balanced in their independent cylinders
- Neutral buoyancy swimming using various finning techniques and turns.
- Reverse fin kicks.
- Valve roll off drills
- Single and twin partial cylinder removal and swim neutrally buoyant.
- Neutral swim with a single cylinder.
- Simulate a regulator free flow and efficiently breathe from regulator using valve fluttering.
- Maintain the correct trim of the sidemount cylinders (especially when buoyant).
- Sidemount bungee failure, replace with spare.
- Cylinder boltsnap failure.
- Finally … ‘Dive 4’ Scenarios
Course Duration
The course is conducted over one full day of theory, workshop practise and dry skills in the classroom. Then two days with a minimum of 4 training dives (average 1hr -1.5hr each depending on water temp) followed by practice skill sessions ( ‘Dive 4’ scenarios)
What qualifications do I need?
This course can be taken in conjunction with a RAID Open Water 20 course, or taken as a speciality course and need to have a RAID Open Water certification or equivalent from another agency.
What happens now?
Go Diving!
The next step is to practice your skills and become comfortable using the equipment and the configurations you have learned.
A lot of divers use this as an intermediate step into learning wreck penetration.
The course itself integrates well with penetrating wrecks and caves and allows you to explore places you have only read and dreamed about.
What about diving deeper or for longer? You already have a safe redundant gas supply, this is perfect for the Deco 40 course. Staging cylinders is an art, one that requires proper training too, if you want all your cylinders to look perfectly streamlined.
Register for FREE at www.diveraid.com
To find out more about this course just contact us here
Be unafRAID and get started today!.